We all know the saying “Eat well and Exercise”, Well after many years of attending doctor’s appointment, numerous visits to the hospital, I was finally diagnosed - “Fibromyalgia” I was told. This came as a shock as I was only 50 at the time. When asked what the cure was, I was told, “There is no cure” and given a prescription for medication. I tried the tablets but there was no improvement. On looking up Fibromyalgia, I ascertained that the best cure or relief was “exercise”.
I live close to a gym and thought right, take matters into your own hands and go for it. It took me a while to pluck up the courage to even go in, walking pass several times before finally saying to myself “They won’t hurt you!”
I spoke to a man called Martin. I explained my condition as well as my ability. He showed me around, explained what he would be able to do for me in terms of exercise, and an appointment was made. I decide to have a personal trainer as I was unsure and nervous, I would make my condition worse if I went alone.
I received an e-mail with a time and date. Nervous, intimidated, and frightened that I may not be able to do anything because of the pain, I turned up. Martin was very reassuring, patient and calming. So off I went, I was measured, weighed and had a machine to calculate my body mass.
A programme was set up for me. Martin was by my side at all times, giving me encouragement, chatting to me and generally being supportive in all ways.
It was a struggle for several weeks, but my confidence grew, I was meeting new people and making friends, I was even able to have a laugh about my ability with others, joking “I’ll show you how it’s done” with the more able clients.
I am now 2 months into my programme with Martin. My confidence has grown as well as my self esteem and health, but most of all I can honestly say that for the past 3 weeks I have been PAIN FREE for the first time in 4 years. I am able to walk further without pain, exercise at the gym without pain and even sleep better without being woken up by the pain.
I owe this to Martin, he believed in me and gave me the appropriate programme. He had the faith in my ability and gave me the confidence to go for it.
So, if you are in pain and offered medication, think twice, take the plunge and go and see Martin, he can work miracles. Well, he did for me.